HTCE lecturers’ series, spring 2024: History and its educational relevance for overcoming tensions in current times

Sarah Godswell (Wits School of Education, Johannesburg, South Africa): Voicing histories: student voice in history teacher education to build pedagogies around marginalized voices and narratives in the school curriculum

This paper explores using pedagogies in history teacher education that centre student voice and student knowledge production. These pedagogies in turn are used to create a foundation that centers marginalized knowledges, histories, and historical narratives. By invoking the presence and power of student voice these pedagogies attempt to do two things: firstly, they attempt to bring student voice into the class as an important cite of knowledge production. This is a decolonial pedagogy and is invoked as such. But beyond giving weight and value to student voice (which is important in many different pedagogical traditions) the second intention of this pedagogy is to create an awareness, and, hopefully, a method of remediate for marginalized voices in the school history curriculum. It intends to create an awareness of who is and who is not included in the knowledges brought into the classroom. It is method for a learner-centered classroom, but also creating critical awareness around the curriculum that looks for omissions, coloniality imbued narratives, and silences. This paper explores these pedagogies – the potentials and the constraints – as used is a history methodology course in a Bachelor of Education program in a university in South Africa

Please check for short-term announcements

28.5.2024, 20 Uhr

28. Mai 2024